NDT (US, magnetic particle and nital attack)
Non-destructive testing refers to all testing procedures used to verify the characteristics of a part without destroying it.
Our inspectors are qualified and equipped to carry out these tests:
- Magnetic particle test (MT) => COFREND level I and II
consists of creating an intense magnetic flux on the surface of a ferromagnetic material. Surface defects are revealed by the deviation of the magnetic flux, which attracts particles of a coloured developer.
This test enables surface defects (such as cracks) to be visualised. - Ultrasonic test (UT) => COFREND level I and II
consists of sending ultrasonic waves through the part. In the presence of internal defects, the waves bounce back to the receiver. The signals can be interpreted to position the defect and define its relative dimensions.
This test can be used to characterise internal defects in the material.
- Nital etching
This test consists of checking the absence of grinding burns on case-hardened parts. The parts are immersed in different acid baths in order to visualise any differences in colour on the surfaces. These burns are caused by heating during teeth grinding (multiple factors) and correspond to a drop in hardness that can lead to spalling during operation, or even tooth breakage.